Frequently Asked Questions

Self Determination Program (SDP) and Financial Management Service (FMS)

Arch FMS wants to make sure you understand everything there is to know about Financial Management Services and Self-Determination Planning. Please use this FAQ page as a guide to some of the most asked questions we’ve seen while working with clients.

Are you accepting individuals currently in SDP wishing to transfer FMS agencies?

Yes, we can take on transfers mid-stream or for year 2 etc.

Do individuals have a point of contact or do they email and call general lines /call centers?

Yes, you will have a point of contact and we each use our cell phones for phone calls and personal emails for communications.

Do you have a waiting list?

There is no waiting list 

What is your burden rate for Co-Employer and Sole-Employer?

For Co-Employer is 19.86% and Sole Employer 14.27%

What is included in your Co-Employer burden rate?

We cover all required employee State and Federal taxes as well as workmans comp and general liability insurance. 

Does your burden cover workmans comp for Sole-Employer?

Workmans comp is not included in our burden rate for Sole-Employer. This cost can be included as a line item in the Spending Plan along with General Liability if desired  Insuarance as well.

How long does it take to process purchase requests?

We have up to 30 days from receiving the purchase request to complete payment

Is there a policy for urgent purchase requests?

On time sensitive purchase requests we require that we have a minimum of 2
business days to pay the request. We will require an explanation on why this is urgent.

How are camps processed?

For camps that refuse to complete the vendor paperwork we will allow for purchase
requests to be made. We will process payment with our corporate credit card within 2
business days from receipt of a Purchase Request matching approved spending plan.
For urgent requests please reach out to Arch Advisor directly.

Can classes be processed once monthly as a purchase request if the provider refuses to set up as a vendor?


How are camps/classes handled for companies who refuse to be set up/paid monthly as a vendor?

Based on the DDS directive dated: April 22nd, 2024. If they qualify as a community
based provider, we will pay by credit card.

What does onboarding look like? Are EVV docs and HCBS Final Rule Docs required to be included in all onboarding employee and vendor packets?

For employees authorized to work under service codes (310, 313, 320, and or 361)
we will be tracking EVV through our mobile app. For vendors that fall under these codes
they will have to sign that they are following EVV guidelines (this will be included in their
paperwork). All vendors will be required to attest in their vendor information packet, that their business meets the HCBS Final Rule requirements.

What are benefits for employees?

Currently we provide employees 5 paid sick days per their employed calendar year. In addition we provide an optional employee contributed 401k plan.

Does FMS or onboarding employees pay for fingerprinting? Do our current employees need to do new background checks and fingerprinting with you guys when we switch?

Yes, all new employees will pay for Live Scan(fingerprinting). For employees who
transfer from another FMS to Arch we will not require a second Live Scan.

What is considered overtime? More than 8 hrs in a day/over 40 hrs in a week? Which holidays?

We adhere to the CA Labor Law.
1. One and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked in
excess of eight hours up to and including 12 hours in any workday, and for the
first eight hours worked on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek;
2. Double the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 12
hours in any workday and for all hours worked in excess of eight on the seventh
consecutive day of work in a workweek.
**NOTE: An alternative workweek schedule of four 10-hour days or three 12-hour days
does not affect the regular rate of pay which would be computed on the basis of 40
hours per workweek.

How are employee scheduling/timecards/mileage handled?

Arch does not schedule employees. Our mobile app will track employee hours and
mileage if included in the Spending Plan. We can also work with you on a non-technical
solution if you are not able to use our mobile app.

What is your pay schedule?

Typically, payroll is semi-monthly, but we often pay upfront for services as requested and other vendor payments on a weekly basis.

Does your FMS offer an online funding tracking tool?

Yes, our Arch Portal will provide you 24/7 access to all budget related items and your
monthly budget statement.

Who requires a background check?

Arch FMS requires all employees to pass a background check. The background
check agencies, databases, and registries include DMV, DOJ, FBI, Medicaid Exclusions
Database, and the Megan’s Law Registry.
● The cost for the Livescan portion of the background check is paid for by the
● If an employee will be driving the participant, we will require proof of valid driver’s
license and auto insurance. This is for the employees protection and ours.

Are you able to provide a Federal Tax Exclusion for employees who may be parents or family members of an adult or minor SDP participant?

Yes, can we can provide the exclusion subject to confirmation that the individual lives full time in the home of the participant and signs an affidavit stating this. 

Can you move funds across categories in your Spending Plan?

If your needs change, you may talk to your Service Coordinator, Independent Facilitator, and Financial Management Service agency to discuss transferring funds across categories. Spending Plan changes will need to be documented in your Individual Program Plan.

Allowable Spending Changes:

  • Transferring up to 10% between categories (approval not needed)
  • Transferring more than 10% between categories (approval needed)
Helpful Resources

Our Vision

At Arch FMS, our vision is to create a society where individuals with developmental disabilities experience boundless support, acceptance, and opportunities for growth. We envision a future where every individual, regardless of ability, is embraced with dignity, respect, and equal access to a fulfilling life. Together, we strive to build a future where love, understanding, and support are the cornerstones of a more inclusive and compassionate world.

(619) 330-7097


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